lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

Local Projects

For a while we have been faithfully bringing food to the Thabo Mbeki village. Here is sweet Autumn with the one of the sisters. The pastor ensures that the food, that we bring weekly, is distributed to the most needy families.—Our priority job is, and always will be to feed people spiritually. If a man is so hungry that he is distracted by his stomach, we must do our utmost to care for his physical needs as well. Man is a living soul: spirit and body and we seek to care for both where needed.—We want to thank those of you who are enabling us to carry out this feeding scheme.—You will in no wise lose your reward! God bless you!

We want to express a special THANK YOU to each of you who have in some way participated in our work, whether through donated goods, donations, your time and services etc. - without you we would not be able to accomplish the big task the Lord has called us to. Thank you and may God bless you! A very special THANK YOU goes to Panasonic who this month provided us with an overhead projector, thus facilitating our teaching of classes by enabling everyone to benefit from this visual aid. Thank you!

Gabe, one of our teens, has dedicated his life to just that—to spreading the love of Jesus and some cheer. Here he is distributing some special treats to children in the Thabo Mbeki village.

Our children are an integral part of our work. Here they are seen singing for some of our precious friends. This is not only a way that they spread love and cheer, but also a way for them to express their thankfulness for some of their special blessings.